Thoughts On Detox

Thoughts On Detox

Diet and detox routines go hand in hand. Both practices work synergistically to boost your energy, performance, immune response and protect your brain and nervous system. For example, think of dieting as a time to detox from refined sugars and heavy carbohydrate meals.

Focus less on how much weight to lose.  Rather, set dieting goals for increasing your activity and improving sources of healthy nutrients. The weight will subsequently drop. 

If your dieting practice is reducing caloric intake or restricting feeding time, this is a time to replace nutrients with supplements rich in greens. 

Try Bee Peal bee bread, Chlorophyll Cleanse, Cordyceps, and Moringa Pure to help you detox as these nutritive products are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. 

Bee Bread in particular has the ability to protect liver from metals.

Use our Natural 5-HTP to promote early satiety. 

Keto-5 and Creatine Monohydrate to support ATP production as you increase your activity. 

Oxidative stress is the main cause of aging and various neurological disorders.  The excess of oxidants causes a reduction of antioxidants, which in turn produce an oxidation-reduction imbalance.  Fewer antioxidants generate oxidative stress, which in turn creates free radicals which cause disease and aging killing off cells.

Superfoods are your best chance to improve your health.  Superfoods are some of the best options for detoxing and flushing out your system.  They are a rich and, more importantly, raw source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that can help to cleanse and rejuvenate your body.

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